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Land use / Land cover, Hydrogeomorpohology |
![](images/button.gif) |
GIS database built on information |
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Multiple themes such as crop cover, deforestation etc. |
![](images/hand_1.gif) |
Integrated Urban Environment Improvement |
![](images/button.gif) |
Several indicators for Urban environment management such as air quality, volume of traffic, industry density, population density etc, |
![](images/hand_1.gif) |
District/ Regional Planning |
![](images/button.gif) |
GIS based applications for development of region & implementation of Govt,
programme using Avenues scripting |
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Electricity & Water agency |
![](images/button.gif) |
Planning for a comprehensive GIS centre |
![](images/button.gif) |
Distribution Network Planning |
![](images/button.gif) |
Products distribution network planning & optimization using GIS approach |
![](images/hand_1.gif) |
Health Infrastructure Planning |
![](images/button.gif) |
Using GIS approach built DB on health infrastructure and Management of a region |
![](images/hand_1.gif) |
Infrastructure / Assets Management |
![](images/button.gif) |
GIS based assets tracking of large on-site and off-shore rig facilities for Oil companies |
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